Dywidag Form Tie System

The DYWIDAG Form Tie System Thread Bar is hot-rolled, with a continuous thread on both sides.The complete form tie system available from Bluebay provides an industry beating standard, it is used by formwork manufacturers around the world. A decisive advantage of the DYWIDAG Threadbar is its coarse thread that does not run around the complete circumference of the bar. Consequently, the bar is not only insensitive against damages and dirt, but also self-cleaning. Furthermore, it can be cut at any point and used continuously with couplers or nuts. The high thread pitch allows a quick assembly and disassembly of the connecting and anchoring parts. The high strength of ftk= 1,100 N/mm2 permits a high load capacity in relation to its low weight per meter.

We offer a large range of accessories in diameters 12.5; 15; 20 and 26.5mm for all kinds of applications.

Each delivery can be accompanied by a batch test certificate to meet health and safety standards.


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