Manthorpe thru…air Ventilation System

The Manthorpe thru…air vent system (G940/G941/G942/G943) is designed to provide a ventilation outlet/inlet using a 4/5/6inch diameter telescopic pipe to a Manthorpe single/double/triple airbrick.

The product allows for an extraction system to be conveniently built into the brickwork, eliminating the need for retrospective core drilling. The telescopic element allows for the installer to extend or reduce the length of the pipe to suit the thickness of the wall and ducting connection. Build the thru…air into the brickwork as the masonry proceeds. The placement of the product is determined by the position of the internal extraction system. The product must be installed angled slightly down towards the external brickwork to allow for any condensation build up to drain out via the airbricks. The detail can then be finished off with a suitable cavity tray (including weep vents) above the product to prevent water ingress.

Unique, extendable telescopic pipe. Product supplied finished therefore no assembly requirement.

  • Product comes in three different sizes:
  • Single airbrick with 4 inch pipe (G940).
  • Double airbrick with 4 inch pipe (G941).
  • Double airbrick with 5 inch pipe (G942).
  • Triple airbrick with 6 inch pipe (G943).

Colours: Terracotta / Buff / Blue Black
(Brown / White / Grey ) Made to order



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